
Persecution Rises in China as Plan Begins to End House Churches >> READ FULL ARTICLE HERE

In our modern American "Christian culture", it's easy to become complacent with the freedoms we enjoy. We tend to take for granted the fact that we can still opening walk into a Christian church building or a home church. We know not how long we will have this freedom.

While house churches may not be as popular or accepted among modern Christianity in America... we still have to freedom to worship God in our own homes.

All the while.... we have brothers and sisters in Christ who risk their lives by walking into a home church.

"In 2012, a new three-phase approach was adopted to wipe out unregistered house churches, which the government saw as a hostile group of dissenters, and force them to join the official Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) church system. In the first phase, from January 2012 to June, the State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA) secretly investigated house churches across the country and created files on them, the report says. This was followed by a wave of crackdowns on house churches, which has continued into 2013, as part of the second phase. The second phase will also entail strongly encouraging unregistered churches to become part of the TSPM – at which point they would become known as “house gatherings,” with the government banning the term 'house churches.'" - from the article mentioned above

It would do many of us good to pray for our Family in Christ across the world who are suffering for their faith.

To keep updated on the persecuted Christians in China, click here.


C. A. Doehrmann said…
"Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body." - Hebrews 13:3