Petraeus & Clinton Resign: Coincidence?

Since when do people resign from their jobs because of an extra-marital affair? Unless it was a covered up scandal like John Edwards and Bill Clinton, you don't usually see people leaving their jobs over adultery when no hint of scandal is involved.

READ MORE >> Critics say Petraeus departure suspicious

So what's with General David Petraeus openly admitting that he had an affair (which in it's self is good that he is owning up to his own sin) and then, less than 24 hours later, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gives her resignation. Weird, huh?

This is big news, right!?! I thought it was, but when I went to our major news stations, or, I couldn't find one headline confirming that Hillary Clinton had in fact resigned. All we're hearing about is General Petraeus. It wasn't until I googled it that I found a few articles... that's it.

So, what's with all the secrecy?

After using the search box on I came across this article that, from the title, you would think was all about General Petraeus's resignation. But, if you keep reading, they happen to slip this little line in the middle of it...
"Petraeus' resignation also adds a new vacancy on Obama's national security team. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said she will leave after Obama's first term, and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is widely expected to leave as well."
That's it... that's all it says... no reasoning... nothing.

Two resignations, less than 24 hours apart... both positions having taken part in the murder of four Americans in Lybia... Hmmm?!? Coincidence? >> READ MORE

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