Our Roaster, Does He Know You?

Let me introduce the one that brought fire to my heart.  His name is known throughout all generations, every tongue, and every nation.  His name divides time and truth from error.  If you ever talk with Him genuinely and with much curiosity, you may prevail in the same state as two men that had a conversation with Him in Emmaus.

And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?” – Luke 24:32

Many state they are Christians and believe in God.  However, has the question ever been pondered in your mind and heart, “does He (Jesus) know me?”  On that Day of Judgment, when all shall be judged, does our profession of faith in Him mean anything?  According to God’s word, no.

“Many will say to me (Jesus) in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I (Jesus) profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” – Matthew 7:22-23

As shown here from scripture, the profession made by Jesus knowing us is greater than our profession of knowing Him.  Many will proclaim to know Him and yet Jesus states “I never knew you”.  These people had a “head” knowledge of Jesus, maybe even attended church, bible studies, sang in the choir, was the Sunday school teacher, etc. but all failed to have their hearts regenerated by the Holy Ghost.  God does the work to make this conversion happen.  A person doesn’t merely wake up one morning and decide “hey, I’m going to be a Christian!”  Rather, God promises that He will send His son Jesus who is the “Light”, the only true light that entered the world upon every man (mankind).  When we see ourselves as a “sinner” (a person that has turned from God’s will to seek our own will in life) and willing to bow to His grace in faith and do His works, we have now become “joint-heirs” with Christ and become “sons of God”.  When this miracle conversion happens by the hand of God, our names are now written in the “Lamb’s book of life” and we are no longer appointed to wrath and the “second death” has no hold on us…in other words…”He knows you”.

Consider this picture:

You declare (as most Americans do) that “you know” the President of the United States of America.  Of the general population in the U.S. that would mean “we know of” and could recognize his picture, know his political party, maybe the name of his wife, children, pets, etc.  But how many of us can say we know “personal” things about the President?  Do you know his favorite food, color, song, television show, movie, etc?  Do you know what makes him angry, sad, happy, etc?  Do you know his personal thoughts, his personal desires, and his personal interests outside of politics?

Let’s say you still feel confident without knowing the answer to any of these questions that you still “know the President”.  So one day you decide to walk right up to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue unannounced and as you come to the front entrance gates men in black suits and dark sunglasses stop you.  They state “you are not allowed here, leave!”  You answer, “You don’t understand, I know the President and want to see him, please let me in”.  Though you spoke with great manners, the Secret Service persist with greater authority to state that “your profession of knowing him means nothing to them” and continue to cast you off the property.  But just as your being dragged away, out comes the President himself and yells “hey, what are you guys doing to that man?”  They explain to the President how they are getting rid of a person who is trying to break-in.  The President announces “let that man go, I know him!”  Immediately the Secret Service is commanded by authority to take the President’s profession into account over the stammering man’s profession.

Does Jesus know you?  Have you examined yourself according to the faith of God’s word?  Have you taken the test as given in the First Epistle of John?
