“A Hard Pill to Swallow”

Making headlines on Wednesday, September 26, 2012 is NYDailyNews.com/Health article titled “Department of Education to make morning-after-pill available at 13 high schools in New York City”.

The article indicates that girls young as 14 will be able to get the Plan B emergency contraception without parental consent, quoted by the New York Department of Education.  Unfortunately our public schools continue to breakdown morals.  And frankly, why are Christians marveling?  Obviously this is against God’s Word and scriptures can be given for the lack of authority; both in the parents behalf and the school administration.  But why are Christians surprised this is happening?  What did we expect?  We made a law in this nation to remove God from our schools.  No prayer, no mentioning the name of Jesus (unless using as a curse word of course), no glory to His name in sporting events, etc.  So why are we expecting morality to increase at our public schools while removing the Spirit of God?

On a personal note, when my household was born-again and regenerated by the Holy Ghost eight years ago, we as parents became faced with the public school system for our daughter.  She went to the same elementary and junior high schools that I once attended twenty years earlier.  What my daughter received in curriculum was far different than what my eyes or ears heard back in the day.  In elementary school she was given sex education videos that as a society we would have considered pornographic a few decades ago.  In Junior-high the girls were encouraged to attend the school dances so that they may prepare for rejection, because life is full of let downs.  Folks, the situation in New York are not isolated.  As the scriptures says “take heed”.  It’s not an east coast thing, a mid-west thing or a liberal thing; it’s a spiritual battle “against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”. (Eph. 6:12)

Stand on God’s Word and visit what He says in this matter:

Parents – Be thou diligent to know the state of thy flocks, and look well to thy herds. (Prov. 27:23) – Don’t be fooled with the world’s philosophy to stay out of your children’s business.  You are appointed by God and entrusted for their well-being.  Don’t let your children hide their little black books, diaries, and themselves in the bedroom.  Talk to them; discuss the issues, listen and train.

Children - He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. (Prov. 13:20) – Children you are fooling yourself with the crowd you hang around with if you believe these sexual lusts are so-called preventive measures are good. The world may say it’s “not cool” to hang around your parents but God says your being a “fool” hanging around those your own age considering “foolishness” as wisdom.

All – Wake up! God promised these days would get worse; “…time of trouble such as never was…” (Dan. 12:1) While the lies of Satan have filled many people with excuses, such as “they’re going to do it anyway so why not have them protected”.  Or “it’s better than having an abortion which is what the high percentage will do”.  These are merely excuses for our lack as parents, church leaders, and government officials. Are we willing to humble ourselves and ask God for His forgiveness?  In some cases I believe some are waking up but as a majority I believe the prophecy is being fulfilled “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness ; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” (Isa. 5:20)

The original article from the NYDailyNews.com can be found at this link:

Give us your feedback on the matter while enjoying your cup of coffee and faith in the Word.
